Upcoming Events with LWV LANCASTER.
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Annual Meeting/Video Contest Awards Ceremony
We will be holding our annual meeting followed by our video contest awards ceremony.

Lancaster Open Streets
LWV will have a table at the Open Streets event.
Hosted by Lancaster Rec and held in partnership with City of Lancaster and the Lancaster Bikes program, Open Streets Lancaster is a free family-friendly event that temporarily transforms Water Street into a paved playground. Pedestrian traffic replaces car traffic and people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can uncover new interests, discover their talents and improve their general well-being.
Learn more about the event here - https://lancasterrec.org/openstreets/

Lancaster Pride Festival
LWV will have a voter registration and information table at the Lancaster Pride Festical at the Lancaster Convention Center.

PA's 36th Senate District Candidate Forum
Hear directly from the candidates for PA's 36th Senate District

League of Women Voters Book Club
We will be reading
The Small and The Mighty by Sharon McMahon
We will discuss and find inspiration from the stories of the twelve unsung Americans who changed the course of history, from the founding to the civil rights movement.
Register here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/league-of-women-voters-book-club-tickets-1142970508559?

The Art of the Vote
LWV of Lancaster County will be hosting a performance and art event at the Ware Center to celebrate democracy. Watch out for more information about performers.

Kenderdine Lecture
Sarah Sobieraj’s will be the featured speaker at The Kenderdine Lecture. She is the author of “Credible Threat: Attacks Against Women Online and the Future of Democracy”.

Millersville University Parade
The LWV will be walking in the Millersville University Parade. More information and a sign up form to follow.

In preparation for author Sarah Sobieraj’s featured appearance at The Kenderdine Lecture Series on 10/8/24, please join The League of Women Voters to discuss her book; “Credible Threat: Attacks Against Women Online and the Future of Democracy”. The evening will include light refreshments and insightful conversation. The discussion is FREE and open to the public.
Register Here

League of Women Voters’ National Convention
Delegates from all Leagues will vote on our 2024 – 2026 Program, 2024 – 2026 budget, 2024 – 2026 LWVUS Board of Directors and Nominating Committee, and submitted bylaws amendments.
There will also be opportunities to network with your fellow League members, participate in a variety of workshops and trainings, and hear from dynamic speakers.
LWV will host a Lobby Day on Thursday, June 27.
Learn more here.

Lancaster Pride Festival
LWV will have a voter registration and information table at the Lancaster Pride Festical at the Lancaster Convention Center.
Learn more about the festival here - https://www.facebook.com/events/1328909215175581/
Volunteer at our table here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45A4AB29A2FB6-49245292-lancaster#/

Annual Members Meeting
Join us for a fun and informative gathering with fellow members to share ideasand learn about exciting upcoming initiatives. Speakers will share info on Fair Districts and Fair Funding for education in PA. Lunch will be provided.
Learn more and RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lwvlc-annual-member-meeting-tickets-895480254547

Lancaster Open Streets
LWV will have a table at the Open Streets event.
Hosted by Lancaster Rec and held in partnership with City of Lancaster and the Lancaster Bikes program, Open Streets Lancaster is a free family-friendly event that temporarily transforms Water Street into a paved playground. Pedestrian traffic replaces car traffic and people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can uncover new interests, discover their talents and improve their general well-being.
Learn more about the event here - https://lancasterrec.org/openstreets/
Sign up to help man the table - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45A4AB29A2FB6-49244825-lancaster#/

LWV Pennsylvania Lobby Day
LWVPA is excited to announce our 2024 Capitol Lobby Day from 10 AM-3 PM on Wednesday, May 8. Join us at the Capitol in Harrisburg to collaborate with League members, meet with your legislators, and advocate for League priorities like improving elections.
Learn more here - https://actionnetwork.org/events/2024-lwvpa-lobby-day?clear_id=true

Voter Registration Table at Tellus 360
The League of Women Voters of Lancaster County is hosting a Voter Registration table at Tellus360 on May 3 from 4-7.
You can sign up to volunteer here - https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0F44ACA62BA7F5C25...

Kenderdine Reception
In an effort to reintroduce the Kenderdine Lecture Series there will be a reception at Millersvile university. More details about this event will be coming soon. Learn more about the Lecture Series here.

International Womxn’s Day Voter Registration Table
LWV of Lancaster County will have a voter registration and information table at this event.
Inspire Inclusion – Celebration of Womxn to help forge a better, more inclusive world for womxn.
The International Womxn’s Day program will feature three guest speakers as well as various performing arts groups beginning at 7pm. This event (from 5-7pm) will feature vendors tabling and/or selling their items. This allows the community to engage and support local woman owned businesses
Learn more here - https://blogs.millersville.edu/news/2024/03/07/celebrating-womens-history-month-at-mu/

Video Contest Awards Ceremony
We will be screening our entries and announcing the winners of our video contest at Zoetropolis. Come out and see why you should make a plan to vote.

Membership Meeting
Our regular meetings take place every third Wednesday of the month at the Friends Meeting House

Coffee & Conversation with the League of Women Voters - Lancaster
In January and February 2024 LWVLC will be hosting Meet Your League sessions across Lancaster County. Come learn more about the work we do to educate and empower voters in a no pressure, casual environment. If you like what you hear…..join us. We have many needs ranging from low to high commitment…..it’s up to you!

Coffee & Conversation with the League of Women Voters - lititz
In January 2024 LWVLC will be hosting Meet Your League sessions across Lancaster County. Come learn more about the work we do to educate and empower voters in a no pressure, casual environment. If you like what you hear…..join us. We have many needs ranging from low to high commitment…..it’s up to you!

Coffee & Conversation with the League of Women Voters - Willow Street
In January 2024 LWVLC will be hosting Meet Your League sessions across Lancaster County. Come learn more about the work we do to educate and empower voters in a no pressure, casual environment. If you like what you hear…..join us. We have many needs ranging from low to high commitment…..it’s up to you!

Coffee & Conversation with the League of Women Voters - Lancaster
In January 2024 LWVLC will be hosting Meet Your League sessions across Lancaster County. Come learn more about the work we do to educate and empower voters in a no pressure, casual environment. If you like what you hear…..join us. We have many needs ranging from low to high commitment…..it’s up to you!

Coffee & Conversation with the League of Women Voters - Mount joy
In January 2024 LWVLC will be hosting Meet Your League sessions across Lancaster County. Come learn more about the work we do to educate and empower voters in a no pressure, casual environment. If you like what you hear…..join us. We have many needs ranging from low to high commitment…..it’s up to you!

Holiday Happy Hour
Join us for an informal no host happy hour to celebrate the season! Not a member? Come out and find out what we are all about out in a no pressure fun setting. Hope to see our members and toast a successful year of defending democracy.

2023 General Election
Polls are open on election day from 7 A.M. - 8 P.M.
Last day to register to vote: October 23, 2023
Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot: October 31, 2023

Millersville University Parade
The LWV will be walking in the Millersville University Parade. More information and a sign up form to follow.

National Voter Registration Day
A social gathering for member, their families, friends and the community to come meet the LWV. The league works to defend democracy and we need you to jump in.

National Voter Registration Day Table
LWV and Lancaster Votes are hosting a joint voter registration event outside of Central Market. Sign up to help here -

African American Cultural Fair
LWV Lancaster will have a voter registration table at the African American Cultural Fair on Sept 9 from 1pm to 9pm.
Sign up to help here -

Voter Registration and Education Table at Longs Park Summer Music Series
LWV LC will have a Voter Registration and Education table at Longs Park. We will be there for meet and greet at 5:00. Concert starts at 7:30. We will be seeking volunteers to help us!

LWV at the Ballpark
Join the LWV for an evening of Barnstormers baseball and voter education.
Buy tickets here to join us at the game - https://offer.fevo.com/frederick-maryland-drflv3k-d03d516?fevoUri=frederick-maryland-drflv3k-d03d516%2F

Voter Registration and Education Table at Longs Park Summer Music Series
LWV LC will have a Voter Registration and Education table at Longs Park. We will be there for meet and greet at 5:00. Concert starts at 7:30. We will be seeking volunteers to help us!